Anjana Tachamo

Research Nurse

Anjana Tachamo is a research nurse interested in typhoid fever, antimicrobial resistance, and the impact of plastic on health, mental health, infectious disease, and chronic diseases.

She has completed five years of service and has also received the Farrar Foundation Scholarship Award.

Anjana Tachamo is also a trained First Aider at OUCRU and a member of the Fire Team of the OUCRU Nepal unit. She has received training on using fire extinguishers and evacuation plans in case of a fire in the workplace.

Anjana Tachamo has been involved in several research projects at OUCRU, including STRATAA (The Strategic Typhoid alliance across Africa and Asia), NUFIT (Nepal Undifferentiated Febrile Illness Trial), NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Study, FIND (The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics), ACT South Asia (The Azithromycin and Cefixime Treatment of Typhoid in South Asia Trial), ACORN-Phase 2 (A Clinically-Oriented Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network), and AMS(Understanding variations in antimicrobial stewardship).



Joined OUCRU Nepal

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