Diana Debi Timoria

Diana Timoria

Public And Community Engagement Officer

Diana is active in educating the community about several diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and COVID-19 with a local-based approach where she uses dialogue or local language in delivering material.

She has worked in several institutions focusing on children, health, and publishing stories from the village.

She also has volunteer activities that focus on children and women’s issues, including promoting equality and advocating for the defense of women’s rights. She likes literature as a medium for delivering many messages related to social problems. She has published a book collection of short stories entitled “Tanpa Judul” and his poetry is read in several documentary films in Indonesia.



Joined OUCRU Indonesia


Selected to participate in the “Indonesian Young Leader Program 2019” for six months in New Zealand and received a small grant for traditional health research in Sumba from that program. In this programme, she learned more about sustainable development and get a certificate from the School of Social Science and Public Policy at Auckland University of Technology.


Bachelor in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, Indonesia


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