This training aims to enhance the capacity and quality of intensive care for life-threatening infectious diseases in Vietnam. The program is funded by Dragon Capital Group and is part of a long-standing collaboration between OUCRU and Guy’s and St Thomas’, which has been ongoing since 2014.
Over 100 intensive care doctors from various hospitals and medical universities participated in the ICU training, which covered a wide range of topics, including updates on steroids, safer intubation in the intensive care units (ICU), management of atrial fibrillation, and acute kidney injury.
Guy’s and St Thomas’ doctors also visited the wards at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases (Hanoi), the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and the District 11 Hospital (Ho Chi Minh City) to provide participants with practical experience in critical care medicine. Additionally, it was an opportunity for the Guy’s and St Thomas’ team to share their expertise with a wider group of healthcare professionals and to assess the needs of the hospitals.

Photos: Guy’s and St Thomas’ doctors visiting ICUs at HTD, NHTD, and District 11 Hospital to provide participants with practical experience in critical care medicine.
This comprehensive training approach ensures that both medical and nursing staff in Vietnam are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in critical care medicine. This training was a significant step towards improving the quality of critical care in Vietnam and ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with our colleagues from Guy’s and St Thomas’,” said Professor Guy Thwaites, Director of OUCRU. “Their expertise in critical care medicine will significantly contribute to improving the care of critically ill patients in Vietnam.”

The training was generously funded by Dragon Capital Group, a financial institution focused on Vietnam and other Southeast Asian emerging markets. Dragon Capital has been a long-standing supporter of OUCRU’s mission to improve healthcare in Vietnam.
OUCRU and Guy’s and St Thomas’ remain committed to working together to improve critical care in Vietnam. Future plans include additional training programs, research collaborations, and the establishment of formal links between Vietnamese and UK ICU societies.