Ungke Antonjaya

Ungke Antonjaya

Senior Molecular Laboratory Analyst

Ungke has been involved in numerous virus studies for over 20 years, with main interests in virology diagnostics, emerging viruses, and molecular biology methods.

He contributed as a co-investigator in a number of virology studies, including identifying emerging viruses in West Java, analyzing viral aetiology from febrile patients from various regions in Indonesia, and developing a production series of Chikungunya vírus and Japanese vírus antigens for IgM MAC-ELISA method.

His previous assignment was as Chief of the Molecular Laboratory in the Virology Department, the US-military international biomedical research laboratory in Jakarta.

His thesis explored the construction of recombinant plasmid for Dengue-2 DNA vaccine candidates from Indonesian isolates. He received training in arboviruses diagnostics and H5N1 sequencing techniques from US CDC.



Risbin IptekDok Awards – Ministry of Health


Master’s in Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


Khin S. A. Myint, Arthur H. P. Mawuntu, Sotianingsih Haryanto, Darma Imran, Sofiati Dian, Yora P. Dewi, Ahmad R. Ganiem, Riane Anggreani, Mirna M. Iskandar, Janno B. B. Bernadus, Kartika Maharani, David Susanto, Riwanti Estiasari, Hasna Dewi, Amanda Kristiani, Lidia Gaghiwu, Edison Johar, Frilasita A. Yudhaputri, Ungke Antonjaya, Jeremy P. Ledermann, Reinout van Crevel, Raph L. Hamers, Ann M. Powers
Am J Trop Med Hyg
June 13, 2022
DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.22-0050
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