Digital Engagement at OUCRU Indonesia

We aimed to promote knowledge about and interest in science and research within the community and create a platform for researchers and the public to interact, engage, and exchange their feedback.

Digital engagement was initiated as a new alternative for public health communication to disseminate significant and accurate information to the Indonesian public, both in rural and urban areas. Due to the size of the country and the limited manpower available, this approach is considered appropriate for nationwide audiences. 

Key Milestones / Activities

Public Discussion: Hear The Experts

In partnership with The Conversation Indonesia, OUCRU Indonesia conducted an online live-streamed public discussion between scientists and the public called #HearTheExperts: Examining the Effectivity of Government Interventions in Handling COVID-19 Pandemic.

Prof. David Handojo Muljono, from the Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology, along with our in-house senior researchers Elyazar and Hendry Suhendra were the key speakers for this discussion and attended by 100 participants from across the country.

The event was held just a month after Indonesia officially announced the first two cases of COVID-19. 

Monthly Podcast: Ngobrol SERU

In 2020, two PCE officers initiated a podcast program at Spotify to replace the in-person awareness event which couldn’t implement due to the pandemic. After a year, we make it one of our regular programs. Ngobrol SERU-Sehat di Rural dan Urban is a talkshow-style podcast that discusses health based on evidence from experts for rural and urban communities.

In 2021, we produced 12 episodes podcast which has been played 405 all-time in total, around the world. Mostly our listeners are located in Indonesia (72%), followed by the US (16%), and Germany (10%). You can listen to the series (in Bahasa Indonesian) on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google Podcast, and Listen Notes.

Interactive online public discussions

OUCRU Indonesia researchers participated in an interactive talkshow online format.

This series of events were organised every month and covered several health topics.

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